Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

kata kunci: LED lighting, energy measurement, ambient light sensing, sensors, G3-PLC, powerline communication, LED driver, efficiency, energy, power savings, DALI


Adding Intelligence to LED Lighting

By: David Andeen, Director of Applications, Maxim Integrated

Abstract: How smart is your LED lighting system? While LED lighting holds the promise of reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs, smart LED lighting designs improve system performance in both areas, achieving higher performance per watt and reducing cost in the long term. Energy measurement, ambient light sensing, and communication serve as the cornerstones of smart LED lighting design. Energy measurement provides system health and consumption information. Ambient light sensing reduces an LED's on-time, conserving energy and extending diode lifetime. Communication links together each luminaire for identification of maintenance and system level coordination. The contribution of components to the overall system performance will be explored. 

A similar version of this article appears on EDN, June 12, 2012.


Imagine a marathon on a very hot, dusty day when saving every ounce of energy matters to the outcome. This race isn't half over, but the winner seems certain. The lead looks insurmountable, because this runner can do more with less energy. This runner shines brighter. In the face of heat and competition, this runner stays cool. So far, so good. Yet, will this competitor set the pace and hold the lead in the second half of the race? In a world of athletes who all train and compete intelligently, talent and potential only go so far. Great—and wasted—potential litters the road to success. Will the current leader dig deep, run a smart race, respond to the elements, and live up to expectations? Time, and intelligence, will tell.
Now you ask me, "What does a marathon have to do with LEDs? Do you really know what you're talking about?" I think so. Like a strong runner leading a marathon, LEDs hold promise in the world's race to produce more energy-efficient lighting. A major technological advance over both incandescent and fluorescent lighting, LEDs use less energy, last longer, and allow more control of color and direction of light.
In 2010, lighting consumed an estimated 19% of U.S. electricity.1 By the year 2030, lighting could consume a full 767 terawatt-hours (TWh) annually.2 What an opportunity for that lead runner in our fanciful marathon! LEDs for lighting could reduce that electricity consumption by 25% by 2030.2 Moreover, LEDs could ease the quantity and type of solid waste generated by lighting, because they last up to five times longer than other lighting solutions and contain no toxic materials. Eventually replacing LEDs will not necessarily occur because of lamp failure, but simply as the result of architectural style. Furthermore, the ability to fine-tune color with red, green, and blue (RGB) LEDs adds new options for performance and creativity. Ultimately, LEDs will function well beyond illuminating a space. They will simply look and fit better with new styles and fixtures.

LED Intelligence—Essential for Winning the Race

How will LEDs fulfill their tremendous potential? Undoubtedly, the first hurdle is price. LEDs currently cost an order of magnitude more than existing lighting solutions. Saving energy is often not enough to convince price-conscious businesses and consumers to make the more expensive purchase. Manufacturing savings and volume production will likely reduce prices over time, but will costs drop enough and can it come fast enough to win over users? Those trends are uncertain and entirely debatable. Admittedly, they are beyond the scope of this article. Consider also availability, which affects price. Go to any two hardware stores and try to find the same LED lamp. It's tough. Many retailers do not stock sufficient variety or quantity of LED lamps to pull in the casual consumer. Why? It comes back to price and efficient inventory turns. So where does that leave us, as engineers, innovators, and creative thinkers? How do we enable LED lighting to reach its potential? To win the marathon?
Let's give LED lights intelligence, make them smart. Let's give these lights eyes, a voice, and the ability to count. Designing high-value semiconductors into lighting applications will optimize energy efficiency, maximize lamp lifetime, and reduce maintenance costs. Then LEDs will run the rest of the race, hard and strong, and they will win the race by running smart.

Essential Elements of LED Intelligence

Ambient light sensing, communications, and energy measurement make up the critical components of an intelligent lighting system. Ambient light sensing allows lights to dim when other sources of light already light a space sufficiently. In addition, sensors that detect the color of ambient light permit color tuning of advanced RGB LED lighting systems. Communication permits remote control and central networking of both small and large lighting installations. Energy measurement provides accurate accounting of consumed power and system insight for predictive maintenance. All of these features—ambient light sensing, communication, and energy measurement—translate into energy conservation and lower operating costs. In this application note, I explore the critical design considerations of adding ambient light sensing, communication (both wireless and powerline), and energy measurement to LED lighting systems. Reference design examples are presented.
An ambient light sensor (ALS) detects the amount of light in the proximity of the sensor. These simple devices become the "eyes" of an LED lighting system, and also the throttle. When there is already light in the room, lighting is completely unnecessary. The lamps can be dimmed or turned off completely, reducing power consumption and increasing lamp lifetime. Features critical to an ALS include current consumption, lux range, and IR and UV blocking. These sensors must quietly exist in the system; they cannot pull excess energy that defeats their purpose of conserving system energy. Excellent ALSs perform with less than 1µA of current. Lux range must exceed typical ranges of lux for a given outdoor application. A range from 0.1lx to 100,000lx generally encompasses most applications. A slightly higher band may be necessary for system robustness. IR and UV blocking remove any unwanted light in the nonvisible spectrum from the actual system readings.

Light Sensing

Figure 13 shows the placement of an ALS in a luminaire. The sensor must reside beyond the light of the lamp itself to prevent artificial light from affecting the ambient measurement. In this design, the ALS resides on a separate board and receives shade from the beam supporting the lamp. This straightforward design enables the ALS to turn off the lamp when morning light exceeds a preprogrammed value. RGB sensors can add even more "character" to a lighting application. LED systems like the one pictured here that are equipped with RGB LEDs and ALSs can dynamically tune their color output for application-specific requirements, such as mood lighting on a terrace or department store lighting for a display.
Menambahkan Intelijen untuk LED Lighting
Oleh: David Andeen, Direktur Aplikasi, Maxim Integrated

Abstrak: Bagaimana cerdas sistem pencahayaan LED Anda? Sementara pencahayaan LED memegang janji mengurangi konsumsi energi dan biaya pemeliharaan, pintar desain pencahayaan LED meningkatkan kinerja sistem di kedua daerah, mencapai kinerja yang lebih tinggi per watt dan mengurangi biaya dalam jangka panjang. pengukuran energi, penginderaan cahaya ambient, dan komunikasi berfungsi sebagai pilar desain pencahayaan LED cerdas. pengukuran energi menyediakan sistem kesehatan dan informasi konsumsi. penginderaan cahaya ambient mengurangi sebuah LED pada waktu, menghemat energi dan memperpanjang dioda seumur hidup. Komunikasi link bersama setiap luminer untuk identifikasi koordinasi pemeliharaan dan sistem tingkat. Kontribusi komponen untuk kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan akan dieksplorasi.

Sebuah versi yang sama dari artikel ini muncul di EDN, 12 Juni 2012.
Bayangkan maraton pada sangat panas, hari berdebu ketika menyimpan setiap ons hal energi untuk hasil. ras ini tidak setengah lebih, tapi pemenang tampaknya tertentu. memimpin terlihat dapat diatasi, karena pelari ini dapat melakukan lebih banyak dengan sedikit energi. pelari ini bersinar terang. Dalam menghadapi panas dan kompetisi, pelari ini tetap dingin. Sejauh ini bagus. Namun, akan pesaing ini mengatur kecepatan dan terus memimpin di paruh kedua balapan? Dalam dunia atlet yang semua kereta dan bersaing secara cerdas, bakat dan potensi hanya pergi sejauh ini. Besar-dan terbuang-potensi tandu jalan menuju sukses. Akan pemimpin saat menggali lebih dalam, menjalankan ras cerdas, menanggapi unsur-unsur, dan memenuhi harapan? Waktu, dan kecerdasan, akan memberitahu.
Sekarang Anda bertanya kepada saya, "Apa memang memiliki maraton dilakukan dengan LED? Apakah Anda benar-benar tahu apa yang Anda bicarakan?" Aku pikir begitu. Seperti pelari yang kuat terkemuka maraton, LED menjanjikan dalam lomba dunia untuk menghasilkan pencahayaan lebih hemat energi. Sebuah kemajuan teknologi utama lebih baik pijar dan lampu neon, LED menggunakan lebih sedikit energi, tahan lama, dan memungkinkan kontrol yang lebih dari warna dan arah cahaya.
Pada tahun 2010, pencahayaan dikonsumsi diperkirakan 19% dari AS electricity.1 Pada tahun 2030, pencahayaan bisa mengkonsumsi penuh 767 terawatt-jam (TWh) annually.2 Apa kesempatan untuk itu pelari memimpin dalam maraton fantastis kami! LED untuk penerangan bisa mengurangi konsumsi listrik sebesar 25% oleh 2.030,2 Selain itu, LED bisa meringankan jumlah dan jenis limbah padat yang dihasilkan oleh pencahayaan, karena mereka bertahan hingga lima kali lebih lama dari solusi pencahayaan lain dan tidak mengandung bahan beracun. Akhirnya menggantikan LED tidak akan selalu terjadi karena kegagalan lampu, tetapi hanya sebagai akibat dari gaya arsitektur. Selanjutnya, kemampuan untuk menyempurnakan warna dengan (RGB) LED merah, hijau, dan biru menambahkan pilihan baru untuk kinerja dan kreativitas. Pada akhirnya, LED akan berfungsi dengan baik di luar menerangi ruang. Mereka hanya akan terlihat dan lebih cocok dengan gaya baru dan perlengkapan.
LED Intelligence-penting untuk Memenangkan Race
Bagaimana LED akan memenuhi potensi yang luar biasa mereka? Tidak diragukan lagi, rintangan pertama adalah harga. LED saat ini biaya urutan besarnya lebih dari solusi pencahayaan yang ada. Menghemat energi sering tidak cukup untuk meyakinkan usaha sadar-harga dan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian lebih mahal. tabungan manufaktur dan volume produksi kemungkinan akan menurunkan harga dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi akan biaya cukup drop dan dapat itu datang cukup cepat untuk memenangkan pengguna? Mereka tren tidak pasti dan seluruhnya bisa diperdebatkan. Diakui, mereka berada di luar lingkup artikel ini. Pertimbangkan juga ketersediaan, yang mempengaruhi harga. Pergi ke dua toko perangkat keras dan mencoba untuk menemukan lampu LED yang sama. Itu sulit. Banyak pengecer tidak saham berbagai atau kuantitas lampu LED yang cukup untuk menarik konsumen kasual. Mengapa? Muncul kembali ke harga dan perputaran persediaan efisien. Jadi bagaimana meninggalkan kita, sebagai insinyur, inovator, dan pemikir kreatif? Bagaimana kita mengaktifkan pencahayaan untuk mencapai potensinya LED? Untuk memenangkan maraton?
Mari kita beri lampu LED intelijen, membuat mereka cerdas. Mari kita beri mata ini lampu, suara, dan kemampuan untuk menghitung. Merancang semikonduktor bernilai tinggi ke dalam aplikasi pencahayaan akan mengoptimalkan efisiensi energi, memaksimalkan seumur hidup lampu, dan mengurangi biaya pemeliharaan. Kemudian LED akan menjalankan sisa balapan, keras dan kuat, dan mereka akan memenangkan perlombaan dengan menjalankan pintar.
Elemen penting dari LED Intelijen
Ambient light sensor, komunikasi, dan pengukuran energi membentuk komponen penting dari sistem pencahayaan cerdas. penginderaan cahaya ambient memungkinkan lampu redup ketika sumber cahaya lain sudah menyalakan ruang yang cukup. Selain itu, sensor yang mendeteksi warna ambient warna tala izin cahaya canggih RGB LED sistem pencahayaan. Komunikasi memungkinkan remote control dan jaringan pusat dari kedua instalasi pencahayaan kecil dan besar. pengukuran energi memberikan akuntansi akurat dikonsumsi kekuasaan dan sistem wawasan bagi mai prediksi
Figure 1. The ALS is mounted on a separate PCB and placed underneath the shadow of the luminaire's support beam. This prevents the sensor from reading light from the lamp itself.
Figure 1. The ALS is mounted on a separate PCB and placed underneath the shadow of the luminaire's support beam. This prevents the sensor from reading light from the lamp itself.


Now let's talk about smart communication in LEDs. Ears and a voice are the next most critical features to make an LED light intelligent. By simply networking lights, you can turn them on and off, or dim them, via the network. This operation alone will reduce energy consumption. Communication also provides quick feedback for outages, necessary maintenance, and emergency situations. This information will save overall system maintenance costs. Both wireless and wired communication methods work effectively in various situations, depending on the network size and geography. Wireless works well in small indoor and larger outdoor applications with a continuous line of sight, available frequency bands, and sufficient headroom for transmission power. Powerline communication (PLC) uses the existing power lines to provide the communication. PLC works extremely well in large municipal-style lighting installations, tunnels, and indoor parking garages where line of sight is not possible because of geography or building walls. In all communication applications, reliability and robustness are critical. If communication fails, the system provides no benefits.
In wireless applications, signals may run over Wi-Fi®, ZigBee®, or other standard and proprietary protocols often in, but not limited to, the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio bands. Limiting power consumption provides network flexibility and is critical if endpoints use batteries. Figure 2 shows a unique application in which a light switch is equipped with an energy-harvesting RF transceiver. The system harvests the energy used to flick the switch, resulting in a usable DC voltage that powers the radio communication over < 1GHz RF to the light fixture. This switch can be placed anywhere in a room, provided that the signal reaches the luminaire. Without the need to wire the light switch, room design becomes more flexible and lighting control more dynamic.
Figure 2. A building automation application in which the light switch contains an unwired, energy-harvesting RF transceiver that controls the LED lighting.
Figure 2. A building automation application in which the light switch contains an unwired, energy-harvesting RF transceiver that controls the LED lighting.
PLC control of lighting uses the existing lines that already deliver power, thus making this method a cost-effective choice. PLC eliminates concerns such as sharing communication frequencies, performance in bad weather, and network maintenance, because communication occurs over maintained lines already delivering power. Range, speed, and robustness are the critical design considerations with PLC. Powerlines carry a tremendous amount of noise, which affects system robustness. G3-PLC communication is a new OFDM-based PLC standard that provides excellent communication over power lines. This standard allows for speeds up to 300kbps, mesh networking capability, and robust mode for high-noise situations. OFDM-based, PLC-controlled lighting networks similar to G3-PLC already exist. Figure 3 shows the PLC installation for a tunnel lighting network by Nyx Hemera Technologies.4 This system has already saved 25% in energy and 30% in reduction of maintenance. This large-scale installation supports up to 1022 lights on a single system and communicates over distances of up to 3km.
Figure 3. An example of a municipal streetlight network using PLC.
Figure 3. An example of a municipal streetlight network using PLC.4

Energy Measurement

Finally, smart LED lights need the ability to count watts. Each smart grid installation, from smart meters to voltage controllers to electric vehicle chargers, features energy measurement that gives utilities and customers accurate knowledge of power use in real time. Major lighting installations that report back their consumption provide finer granularity about building and municipal lighting situations. In this way, they can ensure that utilities only charge for the exact amount of energy used. By dimming or turning these lights off when not in use, they become responsive to user demand. Furthermore, variation in the energy consumption of specific lamps can signal a need for system repair, maintenance, or replacement. There is no doubt that with many lighting installations in areas difficult to access, optimizing maintenance will save money. To produce usable data in a smart grid, energy-measurement designs must provide a high level of accuracy across a wide current range. Furthermore, limiting or eliminating calibration time reduces overall system cost. Figure 4 shows a flexible LED lighting reference design featuring energy measurement.5 The energy-measurement chip also provides system dimming and a DALI interface.
Many municipalities are currently installing LED lighting without intelligent features. This will generate tremendous future opportunity for retrofit modules that enhance the performance of LED lights. To be upgradeable, these systems need interfaces that permit links to the intelligent lighting system. Given the cost and volume of LEDs, merely replacing relatively new and efficient LEDs will not be cost effective. Simple interfaces, such as DALI, will allow future addition of ALS, communications, and energy measurement.
Figure 4. A complete smart LED lighting reference design, featuring energy measurement, ambient light sensing, and communication.
Figure 4. A complete smart LED lighting reference design, featuring energy measurement, ambient light sensing, and communication.

The Finish Is Most Promising

Where does this leave us? The race for industry and consumers to transition to LEDs will be a long one. It is clear that LED lighting holds the potential to transform lighting and save tremendous amounts of energy. Adding the critical elements of "intelligent" lighting—ALS, communication, and energy measurement—will make LEDs far more useful and appealing. The measurement data supplied by smart LEDs will further reduce the energy consumption of that lighting system. It will lower operational and maintenance costs. With intelligence, LEDs can reach their full potential and beat out traditional forms of lighting in the race that is already being run every day.


  1. Navigant Consulting, "2010 U.S. Lighting Market Characterization," January 2012, page xii, (
  2. Navigant Consulting, "Energy Savings Potential of Solid-State Lighting in General Illumination Applications 2010 to 2030," February 2010, page 36, (
  3. Kannisto, Marko, and Simpson, Dan, "Intelligent Lighting Controller Measures Ambient Light and Knows the Time," Smart Energy DesignLine, March 2012.
  4. Application note 5347, "Powerline Communications Automating Street Lighting."
  5. Unterkofler, Klaus, 2011 Light Fair International demonstration, Maxim Integrated.

G3-PLC is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.

Wi-Fi is a registered certification mark of Wi-Fi Alliance Corporation.

ZigBee is a registered trademark and registered service mark of the ZigBee Alliance.

kata kunci :MAXQ 1050, Rowley smart card, mikrokontroller, crossstudio, secure micro,Risc


Getting Started with DeepCover Secure Microcontroller (MAXQ1050) Evaluation (EV) Kit and the Rowley CrossStudio Compiler for the MAXQ30

Abstract: This application note describes how to create, build, and debug applications targeted for the DeepCover® Secure Microcontroller (MAXQ1050) with RISC architecture. The example presented in this article uses the Rowley CrossStudio for the MAXQ30 compiler to demonstrate how the MAXQ1050 can read a smart card. 


The DeepCover® Secure Microcontroller (MAXQ1050) is a low-power microcontroller, designed for USB secure token and smart card reader applications that require certificate-based or other public key cryptographic schemes. The device uses the 32-bit, pipelined, MAXQ30 microcontroller CPU. The MAXQ1050 has 128KB flash memory, 12KB of volatile SRAM, 4KB of battery-backed NV SRAM, and 256B of battery-backed secure zeroization NV SRAM.
The microcontroller is powered either from the USB bus or by a separate 3.3V supply. A battery connection is provided for applications that need to maintain data in the NV SRAMs. In battery-backed mode, the NV SRAM and security sensors consume less than 240nA (typ).
The MAXQ1050 has a number of important features, including:
  • High-performance, low-power, 32-bit MAXQ30 RISC core
  • Operates from USB power or a single 3.3V supply
  • Runs from 20MHz (typ) internal oscillator
  • Supports external 12MHz/24MHz crystal oscillator for microcontroller and USB operation
  • On-chip 2x/4x clock multiplier
  • 16-bit instruction word, 32-bit internal data bus
  • 16 x 32-bit accumulators
  • 16 x 32-bit general-purpose working registers
  • Up to 20 general-purpose I/O pins
  • 5V tolerant I/O
  • Memory:
    • 128KB flash memory
    • 256B of secure NV SRAM
    • 4KB battery-backed NV SRAM
    • 12KB SRAM
  • Security:
    • Unique 64-bit serial number
    • Tamper detection with rapid key/data destruction
    • Secret key destruction on tamper events
    • Permanent loader lockout option
    • Hardware accelerators for AES, RSA, DSA, ECDSA, DES, 3DES, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256
    • True hardware random-number generator
    • Temperature and voltage sensors to detect attacks
    • Two self-destruct input pins
  • Additional peripherals
    • Power-fail warning
    • Power-on-reset/brownout reset
    • JTAG I/F for system programming and accessing on-chip debugger
    • Full-speed USB device with six endpoint buffers and integrated transceiver
    • ISO 7816 smart card UART with FIFO
    • 16-bit programmable timers/counters with prescaler, capture/compare, and PWM
    • SPI master/slave hardware
    • Programmable watchdog timer
    • Up to 20 general-purpose I/O pins with eight external interrupts
The MAXQ1050 evaluation (EV) kit provides a proven, reliable platform for developing low-power applications for the MAXQ1050 processor. The kit includes a RS-232 serial port, a native USB port, 4 pushbuttons for user input, 4 LEDs for application usage, and headers for accessing all the MAXQ1050's I/O pins. Jumpers are provided that allow configuration of the smart card interface. A separate MAXQ622 is also included and provides the JTAG interface to the MAXQ1050 and the host loader/debugger.

Setting Up the MAXQ1050 EV Kit

A photograph of the MAXQ1050 EV kit board is provided in Figure 1. The following hardware components are contained in the EV kit. These components are used for implementing and verifying the demonstration program in this application note:
  1. MAXQ1050 EV kit board
  2. USB cable (Type A to Mini-B)
  3. Regulated power supply (5V, ±5%, 300mA, center positive)
  4. RS-232 serial cable (9-pin male to 9-pin female)
  5. Smart card
The MAXQ1050 has a number of jumpers to configure. The jumpers should be configured as shown in Table 1. See Figure 2 for jumper locations.

Kata kunci: MAXQ1050, Rowley, kartu pintar, mikrokontroler, CrossStudio, mikro aman, RISC
Bagian terkait
Memulai dengan DeepCover Microcontroller Aman (MAXQ1050) Evaluasi (EV) Kit dan Rowley CrossStudio Compiler untuk MAXQ30

Abstrak: Aplikasi catatan ini menjelaskan cara membuat, membangun, dan debug aplikasi yang ditargetkan untuk DeepCover® Microcontroller Aman (MAXQ1050) dengan arsitektur RISC. Contoh yang disajikan dalam artikel ini menggunakan Rowley CrossStudio untuk compiler MAXQ30 untuk menunjukkan bagaimana MAXQ1050 dapat membaca kartu pintar.

The DeepCover® Aman Microcontroller (MAXQ1050) adalah mikrokontroler rendah daya, yang dirancang untuk tanda aman USB dan aplikasi smart card reader yang memerlukan berbasis sertifikat atau skema kriptografi kunci publik lainnya. Perangkat ini menggunakan 32-bit, pipelined, CPU MAXQ30 mikrokontroler. MAXQ1050 memiliki 128KB memori flash, 12KB SRAM volatile, 4KB baterai yang didukung NV SRAM, dan 256B dari aman zeroization NV SRAM baterai yang didukung.
mikrokontroler ini didukung baik dari bus USB atau dengan pasokan 3.3V terpisah. Sambungan baterai disediakan untuk aplikasi yang perlu untuk mempertahankan data dalam SRAMs NV. Dalam mode yang didukung baterai, NV SRAM dan sensor keamanan mengkonsumsi kurang dari 240nA (typ).
MAXQ1050 memiliki sejumlah fitur penting, termasuk:
Kinerja tinggi, rendah daya, 32-bit MAXQ30 RISC inti
Beroperasi dari daya USB atau pasokan 3.3V tunggal
Berjalan dari 20MHz (typ) osilator internal
Mendukung eksternal 12MHz / 24MHz kristal osilator untuk mikrokontroler dan USB operasi
On-chip 2x / 4x jam multiplier
16-bit instruksi kata, 32-bit data internal bus
16 akumulator x 32-bit
16 x 32-bit register kerja tujuan umum
Sampai dengan 20 tujuan umum I / pin O
5V toleran I / O
128KB memori flash
256B dari SRAM NV aman
4KB baterai yang didukung NV SRAM
nomor seri yang unik 64-bit
Tamper deteksi dengan kunci / kerusakan data yang cepat
perusakan kunci rahasia pada acara tamper
Opsi lockout permanen loader
akselerator hardware untuk AES, RSA, DSA, ECDSA, DES, 3DES, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256
Benar hardware acak-number generator
Suhu dan tegangan sensor untuk mendeteksi serangan
Dua pin masukan diri sendiri
peripheral tambahan
Power-Peringatan kegagalan
Power-on-ulang / brownout ulang
JTAG I / F untuk pemrograman sistem dan mengakses on-chip debugger
Kecepatan penuh perangkat USB dengan enam buffer endpoint dan transceiver terpadu
ISO 7816 smart card UART dengan FIFO
16-bit diprogram timer / counter dengan prescaler, capture / membandingkan, dan PWM
SPI master / hardware slave
pengawas timer diprogram
Sampai dengan 20 tujuan umum I / O pin dengan delapan interupsi eksternal
The MAXQ1050 evaluasi (EV) kit menyediakan terbukti, platform yang dapat diandalkan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi daya rendah untuk prosesor MAXQ1050. kit termasuk port serial RS-232, port USB asli, 4 pushbuttons untuk input pengguna, 4 LED untuk penggunaan aplikasi, dan header untuk mengakses semua I / O pin MAXQ1050 ini. Jumper disediakan yang memungkinkan konfigurasi antarmuka kartu pintar. Sebuah MAXQ622 terpisah juga disertakan dan menyediakan antarmuka JTAG ke MAXQ1050 dan host loader / debugger.
Menyiapkan MAXQ1050 EV Kit
Sebuah foto dari kit papan MAXQ1050 EV diberikan dalam Gambar 1. Komponen hardware berikut terkandung dalam EV kit. Komponen ini digunakan untuk melaksanakan dan memverifikasi program demonstrasi dalam catatan aplikasi ini:
papan kit MAXQ1050 EV
Kabel USB (Tipe A ke Mini-B)
catu daya diatur (5V, ± 5%, 300mA, pusat positif)
RS-232 kabel serial (9-pin pria untuk 9-pin perempuan)
Kartu pintar
MAXQ1050 memiliki sejumlah jumper untuk mengkonfigurasi. Jumper harus dikonfigurasi seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 1. Lihat Gambar 2 untuk lokasi jumper.
Informasi tambahan:
Wireless Product Line Halaman
Lembar Lihat Data Cepat untuk MAX2306 / MAX2308 / MAX2309
Lembar Lihat Data Cepat untuk MAX2310 yang / MAX2312 / MAX2314 / MAX2316
Aplikasi Dukungan Teknis
Aplikasi catatan ini menyajikan berbagai tegangan yang dikendalikan osilator (VCO) desain untuk populer JIKA frekuensi 85MHz, 190MHz, dan 210MHz. Ulasan Desain ini mengurangi jumlah iterasi yang dibutuhkan untuk hasil optimal. Analisis dapat dicapai dengan program spreadsheet sederhana.
VCO Desain
Gambar 2 menunjukkan rangkaian tangki diferensial digunakan untuk MAX2310 IF VCO. Untuk tujuan analisis, rangkaian tangki harus dikurangi ke model disederhanakan setara. Gambar 1 menggambarkan model VCO dasar. Frekuensi osilasi dapat Ditandai dengan EQN1:
Figure 1. The MAXQ1050 EV kit.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 5.9MB)
Figure 1. The MAXQ1050 EV kit.
Table 1. Jumper Configurations for the MAXQ1050 EV Kit Board
Jumper(s)StatePurpose if Jumper is Present
JH1PresentSmart card V50 power - from V50
JH2PresentVDD LED on
JH3RemovedCLKDIV1 (pull up/down)
JH4RemovedCLKDIV2 (pull up/down)
JH5Removed5V_3V (pull up/down)
JH6Removed1.8V (pull up/down)
JH7PresentVDD power
JH8PresentJTAG reset
JH9PresentSmart card VDD power - from VDD
JH11PresentTDO - JTAG
JH12PresentTMS - JTAG
JH13PresentTDI - JTAG
JH14PresentTCK -JTAG
JH15PresentCLKDIV1 - P1.7 - smart card
JH17PresentSC_IO - P1.3 - smart card
JH18PresentRXD - P1.0
JH19PresentSC_CLK - P1.2 - smart card
JH20PresentTXD - P1.1
JH21PresentCLKDIV2 - P0.7 - smart card
JH22Present5V_3V - P0.6 - smart card
JH23PresentRS 232 PWR
JH24Present1_8V - P0.5 - smart card
JH25PresentAUX2IN - P0.4 - smart card
JH27PresentAUX 1 IN - P0.3 - smart card
JH28PresentSC_OFF - P0.2 - smart card
JH29PresentSC_RST - P0.1 - smart card
JH30PresentP0.0 LED enable
JH31PresentP0.1 LED enable
JH32PresentP0.2 LED enable
JH33PresentP0.3 LED enable
JH34RemovedSDI1 closed
JH35RemovedSDI2 closed
JH36PresentCMDVCC - P0.0 - smart card
Figure 2. Location of jumpers on the MAXQ1050 EV kit.
Figure 2. Location of jumpers on the MAXQ1050 EV kit.

Setting Up the Serial-to-USB Driver

The MAXQ1050 evaluation kit is designed to interface to the host PC over a USB interface, which allows software running on the host to communicate with the JTAG loader/debuger on the MAXQ1050 microcontroller.
Connecting the USB cable between the PC and the EV kit will cause Windows 7 to start the driver installation. The USB cable is plugged into "CN1 JTAG USB" on the EV kit. The driver creates a virtual COM port on the PC. In the event that the PC does not detect your driver, you can manually browse and select the driver in the resource library package \install folder.
To determine the virtual COM port connected to the USB cable, click on the Windows Start menu, then Control Panel, and then Device Manager. In theDevice Manager window, open the section of the tree display labeled Ports (COM & LPT). You should see a listing for MAXQ USB Serial Port (COMX), whereX is the number of the COM port that has been assigned. Figure 3 has an image of the Device Manger window showing the COM9 serial port.
This COM port number may vary depending on previously installed devices and previous USB-to-serial drivers that have been installed. Make note of the virtual COM port that is connected to the MAXQ1050 USB so that you can reference it later if and when you use the Rowley CrossWorks Compiler for development.
Figure 3. Example showing COM9 as the MAXQ® USB Serial Port.
Figure 3. Example showing COM9 as the MAXQ® USB Serial Port.

Installing and Using the Microcontroller Tool Kit (MTK2)

The code in this application note outputs data through the RS-232 connector. To view the data, we need a terminal or a terminal emulator. One option for the terminal emulator is to use the Maxim-provided Microcontroller Tool Kit (MTK2) utility. If you have not already installed MTK2, you can do so by following the link provided in the resource library package.
After installing MTK2, run it from the Start menu. In the initial Select device dialog box, select Dumb Terminal and click OK (Figure 4). This opens MTK2 in a simple text terminal emulator mode (as opposed to a mode designed to communicate directly with the loader of a specific device).
Figure 4. Initial device selection in MTK2.
Figure 4. Initial device selection in MTK2.
Next, you will need to configure and open the serial port. From the MTK2 menu, select Options > Configure Serial Port. In the dialog box that appears, select the physical COM port to which your serial cable is connected (or the virtual COM port if you are using a USB-to-serial adapter) and select 115200 for the Speedsetting (Figure 5). (Note: if the COM port number you want to use is not shown in the drop-down list, you can enter it directly in the Port field).
Figure 5. Configuring the Serial Port in MTK2.
Figure 5. Configuring the Serial Port in MTK2.
Finally, select Target > Open COMx at 115200 baud from the menu. The main section of the MTK2 window will turn white to indicate that the port has been opened.

Getting and Installing the Rowley Compiler

Go to in your browser (Figure 6). The page that appears may look different than the one displayed in Figure 6, due to browser compatibility and future Rowley page updates.
Figure 6. Rowley's MAXQ download page.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 2.4MB)
Figure 6. Rowley's MAXQ download page.
Click on Version 2.2.0 for Windows or the latest version that is available. The browser will ask you where to save this file. Select a directory and save the file (Figure 7 and Figure 8).
Figure 7. Request by browser to save compiler installation program.
Figure 7. Request by browser to save compiler installation program.
Figure 8. Saving the Rowley setup program to a temporary directory.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 597KB)
Figure 8. Saving the Rowley setup program to a temporary directory.
Using Windows Explorer, go to the directory to which you downloaded the install file and double-click on the file name. Your screen will dim under Windows 7 and you will be asked Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer? Click Yes. The software will begin extracting files and you will see a Welcome window (Figure 9). Click on Next>.
Figure 9. Starting the compiler installation.
Figure 9. Starting the compiler installation.
A License Agreement window will be displayed (Figure 10). Accept the agreement and click Next>.
Figure 10. Accepting the license agreement.
Figure 10. Accepting the license agreement.
A new window will ask for a place to install the compiler (Figure 11). Select a directory and click Next>.
Figure 11. Installing the compiler to the default directory.
Figure 11. Installing the compiler to the default directory.
The next window asks for the program folder name to be used in the Start menu (Figure 12). Select a name and click Next>.
Figure 12. Selecting the default program folder.
Figure 12. Selecting the default program folder.
The Associate Files window will follow (Figure 13). Click Next>.
Figure 13. Accepting the file associations.
Figure 13. Accepting the file associations.
Now we get the Start Installation window (Figure 14). Click Install.
Figure 14. Starting the actual compiler install.
Figure 14. Starting the actual compiler install.
The last window to come up is the Installation Complete. Click Finish.
Click the Windows 7 Start icon and then All Programs > Rowley Associates >CrossWorks for MAXQ30 2.2 > CrossStudio for MAXQ30 2.2 (Figure 15).
Figure 15. Searching through the All Programs list to find the compiler.
Figure 15. Searching through the All Programs list to find the compiler.
The compiler is up, but not licensed (Figure 16). Notice in the Update pane that there are updates to install. After activating the compiler, install the update.
Figure 16. The opening CrossStudio window.
More detailed image.
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Figure 16. The opening CrossStudio window.
Under the Tools button, click License Manager (Figure 17).
Figure 17. License Manger.
Figure 17. License Manger.
We intend to 'evaluate' the compiler. After selecting this option, the request shown in Figure 18 appears. Click Send e-mail to use your built-in email program. You can also select and copy the data in the Activation Request window, paste it into a different email program, and then send it off to
Figure 18. Activation request.
Figure 18. Activation request.
An activation key will be returned to you in a few hours. Copy the activation key from the email and paste it into the indicated window of the Activate CrossWorks window (Figure 19). These keys are unique to your hardware. Click on Install License.
Figure 19. An activation key pasted into the Activate CrossWorks window.
Figure 19. An activation key pasted into the Activate CrossWorks window.
The evaluation license will now appear, along with the days remaining that you can use it (Figure 20).
Figure 20. Thirty-day activation for the compiler.
Figure 20. Thirty-day activation for the compiler.
Close this window and exit the compiler.

Getting Started with the Rowley Compiler

This demonstration program is a simple application that will open the serial port and display a request to insert the smart card. Once the card is detected, it is powered and the answer-to-reset (ATR) data is printed. The ATR has information about communication parameters and the cards nature and state. It must conform to the ISO/IEC 7816 standard.
From the MAXQ1050 EV Kit resource library package, copy the directory from\Sample Code\C\isouart to the CrossWorks projects directory. On Windows 7, this directory is located under \Users\<username>\My Documents\CrossWorks Projects. (This user guide is using <username> as a generic name.)
Start the Rowley CrossStudio for MAXQ30 compiler (Figure 21). Notice that this CrossStudio window has the time left on the evaluation and update status.
Figure 21. A licensed compiler with an update to be installed.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 1.7MB)
Figure 21. A licensed compiler with an update to be installed.
In the Updates pane, click Install. The Package Manger will bring up the Summary window (Figure 22).
Figure 22. A sample update that needs to be installed.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 361KB)
Figure 22. A sample update that needs to be installed.
Click on the Next button to install the update (Figure 23).
Figure 23. Finished loading the update.
Figure 23. Finished loading the update.
Click on the Finish button and start a new project.
Under File, select New Project (Figure 24). In the New Project window, underProject Templates, select A C executable. Enter ISOUart into the Name field. Append isouart to the location path in the Location field. Click Next.
Figure 24. New Project window.
Figure 24. New Project window.
Under Code Generation Options (Figure 25), find Target Processor, and selectMAXQ1050 from the pull-down list. Leave all the other options with the default value. Click Next.
Figure 25. Selecting the MAXQ1050 and other code generation options.
Figure 25. Selecting the MAXQ1050 and other code generation options.
The next window (Figure 26) has some of the files to compile. The file main.c is already in the source directory, so just press the Next button.
Figure 26. New project files.
Figure 26. New project files.
The next window (Figure 27) lets us create directories for both a debug version and a release version of our project. Both should be selected. Click Finish.
Figure 27. Selecting the debug and release directories.
Figure 27. Selecting the debug and release directories.
The project now requests to create a new main.c (Figure 28). Use the existing one, so click No.
Figure 28. Compiler request to create a new main.c.
Figure 28. Compiler request to create a new main.c.
On right-hand side of the window and a few lines down, you will find the Project Explorer (Figure 29). Click the + symbol in front of Project 'ISOUart'. Click the + symbol in front of Source Files to reveal main.c.
Highlight and right-click on Source Files. Click Add Existing File.... Highlight delay.c, MAXQ30_7816_LIB.C, and serial.c, and press Open. If you hold the Ctrl key, you can select all three files at once. Repeat the process, and select delayasm.asm. Click Open.
It is now time to power up your MAXQ1050 EV KIT. Plug in the JTAG USB cable to CN1 and your computer. Connect the 9-pin serial cable to the 9-pin connector on the EV kit and to the computer's serial port. This application note assumes that the 9-pin serial cable is connected to COM1, and the serial JTAG USB connection is on COM9.
Go further down to the Target list and click Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter. This will open the Connection entries. Set the COM port to which you are connected. In this example, we are connecting to COM9. Now go to the middle section titledTargets, then connect to the JTAG port. This can be done in three different ways: 1) Double-click on Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter; 2) Right-click on Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter and select Connect; or 3) Press the most left icon below Targets. The status bar at the bottom of the window will go from Disconnected to Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter (Figure 29).
Figure 29. CrossWorks is connected to the Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter on COM9.
More detailed image.
 (PDF, 1.9MB)
Figure 29. CrossWorks is connected to the Maxim Serial JTAG Adapter on COM9.
Now highlight Project 'ISOUart' and right-click. Select Build. In the Output pane, you will see the project building.
Note: Make sure the Microcontroller Tool Kit (MTK2) is running and connected to the MAXQ1050 EV kit at 115200 baud via the 9-pin serial connector.
Go to the top buttons and click Project and Start Without Debugging. In the output pane, you can watch as the compiler checks the configuration, erases the MAXQ1050 flash, downloads the program, and verifies the program (Figure 30).
Figure 30. Loading of ISOUart to MAXQ1050.
Figure 30. Loading of ISOUart to MAXQ1050.
Once the program is loaded, it will start running. You will see a banner and a request to Insert Card Now. Put the supplied smart card in to the card reader, and watch as the card is found and powered up, and the ATR message is printed (Figure 31). Pressing the RST_N (SW7) button on the EV kit will make the program run again.
Figure 31. Output from ISOUart.
Figure 31. Output from ISOUart.

The ISOUart Program

This demonstration program comprises several source files. The files delay.c anddelayasm.asm demonstrate how to call assembly code from 'c.' These particular routines implement a callable microsecond delay in the assembly file, and a callable millisecond delay in the c source.
Serial.c implements the int __putchar(int ch) and char __getchar(void)routines. Once these two routines are written, the higher-level stdin and stdoutroutines can be used with the RS-232 serial port. Serial.c also implements the voidserial_init(void) routine, which initializes the serial port to operate at 115200 baud.
MAXQ30_7816_LIB.C implements the ISOUART functions.
The main program is listed in Figure 32.
 * ISO uart example.  Retrieve and Display ATR on LCD
 *  This example only uses Slot 1.  The SIM Card slot is not used.
#include "MAXQ30.h"
#include "MAXQ30_7816_LIB.H"
#include "delay.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
  int status, i;
  uint8_t buff[128];

  serial_init() ;

  printf("\nMAXQ1050 ISOUART Ex.\n");

  // Initialize the Smart Card interface


  if (!dssc_checkpresence())
    printf("Insert Card Now\n");

    // Wait forever until card is present
    while (!dssc_checkpresence());

  // Wait for user to see output

  printf("\nCard found. Power up\n");
  // Set up for transaction and get an Answer To Reset
  status = dssc_powerup(POWERUP_5V);

  if ( status == ERR_DO_WARM_RESET )
    printf("Warm Reset\n");
    status = dssc_warmreset();

  // Wait for user to see output

  if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
    printf("\nPower up Error: %d\n", status);
    status = dssc_getATRbuffer(buff, 128);

    printf("\nATR Recived\n");

    // Wait for user to see output

      printf("%02X", buff[i]);
      if ((i % 20) == 19)
        printf("\n"); // Need to shift to next line
      else printf(" ") ;


  // Power down card interface

  while (1){};
Figure 32. Listing of ISOUart's main.c.

For More Information

The source code for this application and many others is available in the resource library package distributed with the MAXQ1050 EV kit. All the Rowley project files are also included in the distribution.
Maxim has software libraries, application notes, and reference designs available for further design assistance. Search Maxim's microcontroller product line pages or contact Technical Support for the latest information on available libraries and tools.

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